Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Nemesis, The Brown Dwarf In Our Solar System

Nemesis: The Brown Dwarf Lurking in Our Solar System
          If you have spent anytime on YouTube watching Nibiru, Planet X, or Two Sun videos then you will know that many people claim that our Sun is part of a binary system and that Nemesis is the brown dwarf companion to our Sun. 
          YouTube is riddled with videos showing what is claimed to be a second Sun rising or setting with our own Sun.  Nibiru proponents have latched onto Nemesis and claim it is not only a companion star to our Sun but that it in fact is obrbited by several planets.  These planets have been given the names Nibiru, Helion, Ardoba and others.
          This leads to the rational question, is Nemesis real?  The Nemesis hypothesis was first postulated in 1984, two teams of astronomers published similar papers the same year.  Daniel P. Whitmire and Albert A. Jackson IV and Marc Davis, Piet Hut and Richard Mueller proposed the hypothesis.  The hyposthesis stated that Nemesis is either a red dwarf or brown dwarf star that is a binary companion to the Sun.  It is proposed that Nemesis has a semi-major axis of 95000 AU (Astronomical Units), orbital period of 26 million years and an eccentricity of o.o7.
          So is Nemesis real? Infrared Astronomical Sattelite (IRAS) failed to find Nemesis in the 1980’s, the University of California’s Leuschner Observatory failed to find it in 1986, the 2MASS Astronomical Survey ran from 1887 to 2001 and failed to find it, The WISE mission can detect 150-Kelvin brown dwarfs out to a distance of 10 light years.  In 2014 after the release of the entire WISE catalogue its data ruled out a Saturn or larger sized object out to ten thousand AU.  Despite many attempts with newer and better technology not only was Nemesis not discovered but it has been effectively ruled out by the WISE data.
          Despite these facts that are readily available to anyone with curiosity and access to the internet Nibiru proponents have latched onto the disproven Nemesis hypothesis to add sensationalism to the Nibiru myth and to attempt to gain a veneer of credibility by pointing to a hypothesis proposed by real astronomers and conveniently leaving out the fact that the hypothesis has been disproven.
          So what is a brown dwarf?  A brown dwarf commonly known as a “failed star” is a sub-stellar object with a mass between 13 t0 80 Jupiter mass.  Brown dwarfs, unlike their main sequence cousins, are not massive enough to sustain nuclear fission of hydrogen to helium in their cores.  They do however fuse deuterium and burn lithium. 
          Brown dwarfs can occupy spectral classes of M, L, T and Y.  Despite their name they come in various colors of magenta to an orange-red tone, and are not very luminous in visible wave lengths.
I repeat not very luminous in visible wave lengths.  So all those two Suns videos you saw on YouTube taken by a cam corder, weather cam or cell phone are NOT a brown dwarf known as Nemesis.  When these channels show visible images of two suns and claim one is Nemesis you can now confidently say that is impossible.
Just for the sake of argument let us for a moment forget that the Nemesis hypothesis had nothing at all to do with Nibiru and that the hypothesis has since been disproven.  What would happen if such a brown dwarf actually existed in our solar system?  Well according to the published papers of Nemesis it was proposed to have a 95000 AU semi-major axis and an eccentricity of 0;7.  To calculate the perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) use the formula  P=S(1-e)  wherein P is perihelion, S is semi-major axis and e is eccentricity.  In our thought experiment the equation would be P = 95000 AU(1-0.07).  Solving for P gives a solution of P = 88350 AU.  That is 88 thousand AU at its closest.  To put this into perspective Pluto has a semi-major axis of 39 AU.  Nemsis’ aphelion (furthest point from the Sun) is solved by using the equation P=S(1+e) or P = 95000 AU(1+0.07).  Solving for P renders an aphelion of 101650 AU. 
Now we know that not only can the two Suns videos be fake because brown dwarfs are not very luminous in visible wave lengths but we also know that at its closest point Nemesis would be so far from the Sun that the Sun as seen by Nemesis would just be a small point of light. 
Proponents of the Nibiru myth point to the asteroid belt and claim that “Tiamat” a planet that once existed where the asteroid belt currently is was destroyed by the last passage of Nibiru.  In order for this myth to be fact the perihelion of Nemsis would have to be from 2.06 to 3.3 AU.  For our thought experiment lets use the closer figure since Nibiru proponents claim Nibiru will cause and extinction level event on Earth.  We will use the same formula as we did previously to determine perihelion and aphelion just altered to find semi-major axis and aphelion.  If the perihelion was 2.06 AU with an eccentric of 0.97 (Most Nibiru channels claim it has a highly eccentric orbit), the semi-major axis would be 4.0582 AU.  This would place Nemesis just interior to Jupiter’s orbit, and the aphelion would be 7.99 AU. 
No matter how you try to rearrange the parts of the Nemesis/Nibiru myth there is no possibility it is true.  Math has once again proven the fearmongers to be uttering false statements in the pursuit of revenue via sensationalized videos filled with lens flares and taking adavantage of honest people who are simply uninformed.

Rene’ Padilla
Founding member of T.R.O.L.L.
Truth and Reason Over Litany and Lies